Wednesday, August 29, 2012

55th Merdeka: Any chance of really being 'merdeka''?

Merdeka is a word in the Indonesian and Malay language meaning Independence or freedom. It is derived from the Sanskrit Maharddhika meaning "rich, prosperous and powerful". In the Malay archipelago, this term had acquired the meaning of a freed slave. The term Mardijker is a Dutch corruption of the Portuguese version of the original Sanskrit words and was used to designate former Portuguese and Dutch slaves from India in the East Indies, known as Mardijkers, whence the Malay meaning of "free(dom)" is derived. Mardijker are the former catholic slaves bought from India and the East Indies that were liberated by the Dutch if they abandoned Catholicism and embraced the reformed Dutch church. The term was significant during the anticolonialist and pro-independence movements of the colonies of Indonesia,Malaya, and Singapore, in the history of Indonesia, history of Malaysia, and in the history of Singapore. It became a battle-cry for those demanding independence from the colonial administrations of the Netherlands and United Kingdom. The Philippine term maharlika, referring to the Tagalog warrior class, has the same Sanskrit origins as the Malay Merdeka. In the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, the Moro people belonging to major ethno-linguistic groups of Meranaw, Maguindanaw and Iranun, use maradeka in the same meaning as freedom or liberation and freedom group there is called Maradeka. (cited from various sources).

Now back to our golden question, after 55 years of so-called merdeka, are we really merdeka? Do we have the liberty and freedom of political choice? Do we have the press freedom? Do we have equality among states allocation?.....the list might go on and the duracell battery advertisement, but sigh! We are not 'MERDEKA', and ever since Rah Eees Ya Team took over as the information Minister, it became worse, even the Merdeka celebration is hijacked, to become a political Be End  tool.

So guys, if you do not want to be colonalized, if you really want to be independent, want to be liberated....want to be MERDEKA...there is no two way....I never want to be associated with a devil (I dont even know a devil, I rather choose an angel (and by the way, no matter what the old man said,angels always obey the Al-Mighty and never sin....period)

Happy Merdeka day...


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