Saturday, May 12, 2012

Alfdin Shauki, Harun Salim Bachik and Johan: Hitting an unbelievable and sickening low

The latest comedy or parody staged by these 'jokers' poking fun at the BERSIH 3.0 event is really sickening. It doesn't have any taste, neither it is acceptable. It really proves that these comedians (I am not sure whether they deserve to be called one, they are basically apple polishers) would go to unimaginable lengths to ensure lucrative airtime, or as our famous National laureate once said, 'carma' (cari makan).

While it is indeed one of the worst kept secret, these jokers are hardcore loyalist UMNO supporters, even dragging together the organization they are entrusted to spearhead (SENIMAN), which is the umbrella body of art performers., it is unprofessional, unbecoming and nauseating to poke fun and ridicule the rakyat this way. it is high time for us to remind them that the career didn't take off and pick up solely because of the UMNO members but also millions of other supporters.

Let us start a boycott on all of the films they are starring, any reality shows they are involved, Say NO to all of their activities,.in order for them to wake up from their 'sweet dream'


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