Monday, December 26, 2011

Barisan Nasional and James Bond: The striking similarities

With Astro showing re-runs of old James Bond movie's, and the jostling and fighting for candidacy in the next General Election (PRU13), I realized a striking resemblance between them. Ever since Najib announced the "For Your Eyes Only' sermon that BN will only field winnable candidates, and reiterating that he has the "Licence to Kill" and terminate the candidacy, every Tom, Dick, Harry and Shahidan are promoting and portraying themselves as one, and they want to hold on to their fort crying..."Live and let die".....though the rakyat have been chanting,,,,'You Only Live Twice'......sigh!.And the non-stop expose of corrupt leaders in BN, to name a few, Khir Toyo, Sharizat and family, not forgetting Liong Sik and family, who seems to accumulate wealth as though......'The World is Not Enough" and "Tomorrow Never Dies"

Najib seems to be the "Dr. No"with "A View to a Kill"  with a secret plan to demolish "The Man With the Golden Gun" alias Anwar, sending Saifool on "Her Majesty's Secret Service", and now Anwar is framed in a scandal with "The Spy Who Loved Me", if that's not enough to finish him off, the back up plan is to paint him "Octo-pussy" crazy, this time with China dolls.It seems that Anwar's days seeing the "The Living Daylights" are numbered, or would he live and "Die Another Day"?

Rosmah the "Goldfinger" lady (or is it diamond finger?), is quietly singing, "Diamonds are Forever".

GOD help us....adios......a.h.baharom

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Malaysia among most vulnerable to euro crisis, says Nomura

The article below appeared in the Malaysian Insider on 7th December 2011

Malaysia among most vulnerable to euro crisis, says Nomura

December 07, 2011

Subbaraman said Malaysia’s high public debt could preclude continued stimulus spending. — Pictures by Jack Ooi
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 7 — Malaysia will be hit harder than its Asian peers by the economic crisis in Europe due to its relatively weak public finances and dependence on commodities, said Nomura International today.
Its chief economist for Asia ex-Japan, Robert Subbaraman, said that unlike most countries in Asia, Malaysia will be negatively affected by an expected drop off in commodity prices while the government will also find it difficult to keep up stimulus policies.
“Malaysia is one of the economies that will weaken the most; it is in the weaker group of economies,” said Subbaraman at a media briefing here today.
Nomura economist for Southeast Asia Euben Paracuelles said Malaysia’s growth in the first three quarters of this year was largely led by government spending, but as public finances were relatively weak, he doubted that it would be sustainable.
Subbaraman also noted that Malaysia ranked third in Asia ex-Japan in terms of exposure to European bank claims, after Hong Kong and Singapore, which could mean a drying up of liquidity should European banks start to cut their exposure to the region.
Figures provided showed that European bank exposure to Malaysia amounted to US$50 billion (RM155 billion), or about 19 per cent of GDP, double that of the Asia ex-Japan average of nine per cent.

Commodities would dip by 15 per cent if a slowdown hits, says Paracuelles.
Only the financial centres of Hong Kong and Singapore had higher exposures, at 77 and 55 per cent of GDP respectively.
“As European banks pull back exposure, it will show up as net capital outflow and availability of funding will start to dry up,” said Subbaraman.
He noted, however, that Malaysia still has a large current account surplus at 13 per cent of GDP, which should help support the ringgit against hefty depreciation against the US dollar, due to its trade performance.
Paracuelles said that if a global downturn happens, there would be a 15 per cent decline in commodity prices.
Malaysian government economists earlier said their economic projections were bolstered by expected continued high rubber and palm oil prices, which would help boost rural area spending.
Petronas said in a briefing last week that it expects oil prices to decline to US$85-87 per barrel next year, from US$110 currently.
In its November Asia Economic Monthly report, Nomura noted that Malaysia faces the prospect of unsustainable fiscal support.
“Given the public debt to GDP ratio of 55 per cent, the second highest in Asia, scope to continue with a very expansionary fiscal policy next year could prove to be limited,” said the report.
The report forecast a growth of 3.6 per cent for the first quarter of next year but rising to 7.3 per cent by the fourth quarter to give a full year growth of 5.1 per cent.
Subbaraman also said the risk of a hard landing in China is “not trivial” although the threat is greater after 2013-2014, following the handover of power to the next generation of leaders.
Nomura expects growth in Asia to drop to 6.6 per cent next year, from 7.5 per cent this year, and revised its 2012 global growth forecast from 3.8 per cent to 3.2 per cent.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

NFC: Goalpost keeps mo(o)ving, stories keep spinning

The stories that are published, statements that are being issued, clarifications that are being aired, jokes that are being passed around, all these never fails to amuse me. And now, the latest, the manner  how the infamous deputy IGP, the UMNO friendly senior official, issuing the findings,in lighting speed, the timing carefully planned during the UMNO General assembly clarifying that no CBT is committed, at least during the preliminary investigation. Wow... that's fast....but...then again...what do you expect? It is not surprising at all....after all, he is the IGP in waiting.....

Shahrizat promised to clear the air during the general assembly....but sigh!....all she did was bashing the opposition ladies...Zuraidah and and Wan Azizah, she went as far as disassociating herself completely from the NFC project (Gasp!....Can you belief that ?) She is taking for granted that the UMNO Wanita members as cows basically, I wonder whether they bought her story, if they did...moo....good for them....bad for the country.

More and more things are being uncovered, from cow condos to holiday trips, the more they try to explain, the more murkier it gets.

Its about time the rakyat shows that 'depa bukan lembu yang boleh dicucuk hidung dan ditarik kesana-sini mengikut telunuk mereka'

GOD, please have mercy and help us.......adios.....a.h.baharom

Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek? Or all three?

Note to readrers: The article below is from the blog of Lim Kit Siang

The 65th UMNO General Assembly closed yesterday with one big question among thinking and patriotic Malaysians, regardless of political affiliation: – “Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek? Or all three?”

At first the lies and poison were only told and used at closed-door UMNO meetings. Then they were spread by anonymous UMNO blogs and cybertroopers on the Internet, followed by the UMNO media.

When these lies and poison failed to achieve the desired public and political impact with the approach of the 13th General Elections, UMNO strategists became more irresponsible, reckless and desperate.

In the past week, these lies and poison became the staple diet of UMNO leaders in the meetings preparatory to and during the sessions proper of the 65th UMNO General Assembly, with the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, in their capacities as UMNO President and UMNO Deputy President giving their personal stamp of approval by adopting and retailing these lies and poison to sway votes in favour of UMNO in the coming polls.

Culminating in Muhyiddin and Najib, one UMNO leader after another in the past week have taken to the public pulpit in a carefully-orchestrated campaign to demonise the DAP and frighten Malay voters with the lies that the Malays will lose their rights and power should Pakatan Rakyat win more federal seats in the next general election, or in the words of the UMNO information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan, “the Malay language will be lost, say goodbye to the Malay Sultans, Say goodbye to Islam because they (DAP) are agents of Christianisation”.

Muhyiddin was completely unabashed in playing the race card when he falsely accused the DAP of being anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers, even telling the lie that the DAP’s agenda is to establish a Republic in Malaysia.

Muhyiddin made history as the only Deputy Prime Minister in the world who was caught out telling a bare-faced lie, for he had been completely silent to my challenge to him to substantiate his allegation that the DAP wanted to abolish the constitutional monarchy and establish a Republic.

I had publicly said that Muhyiddin’s “despicable, irresponsible, incendiary and seditious” allegation that the DAP’s agenda is to form a republic is completely founded on a lie, particularly his rhetorical question to buttress his allegation:

“If not, do they dare to suggest the prime minister’s position be selected based solely on elections and without being chosen by the Yang di Pertuan Agong? What is the meaning of this?” (Muhyiddin quote)

This suggestion and rhetorical question are a complete figment of Muhyiddin’s imagination (or that of his ghost writer) and show the length certain irresponsible, unprincipled and unscrupulous UMNO leaders are prepared to go in order to tell lies and spread poison to mislead, scare and panic the voters in multi-racial Malaysia.

This is certainly not the action of an honest, honourable, principled and patriotic Malaysian political leader.

As I had declared for the record in my immediate response on Wednesday to Muhyiddin’s falsehood, DAP had never proposed that “the Prime Minister’s position be selected based solely on elections and without being chosen by the Yang di Pertuan Agong”.

Right from the beginning, the DAP had declared in Parliament in my first speech 40 years ago in Parliament on Feb. 23, 1971 that DAP fully supported the system of constitutional monarchy and that we “do not and have not questioned the sovereignty of Rulers”.

In his winding-up speech yesterday as UMNO President, Najib adopted the Muhyiddin and UMNO lie that DAP is manipulating PKR and PAS, specifically alleging that PAS is “under the thumb” of DAP.

This line of allegation is totally at variance with the accusations which the MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek and his cohorts have been hurling against the DAP – that the DAP is the stooge of the PAS.

Who has lied? Najib and Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek?

The UMNO and MCA leaders cannot all be telling the truth – as the DAP cannot be a stooge of PAS and PAS also a stooge of DAP one and the same time.

Either UMNO or MCA leaders have lied.

There is of course another scenario – which is the true and correct position. Najib, Muhyiddin and Chua Soi Lek have all lied.

Unlike Barisan Nasional where UMNO is the hegemon and the other Barisan Nasional political parties completely subservient to UMNO agenda and interests, Pakatan Rakyat is a coalition of equal political parties based on mutual respect and political consensus founded on common policy programmes founded on the fundamental features of the Malaysian Constitution.

In Pakatan Rakyat, no political party plays the role of Big Brother like UMNO in Barisan Nasional – which means that Najib, Muhyiddin and Chua Soi Lek have all been perpetuating lies in their struggle to keep their political parties alive in the next general election.

The Malays will not lose power when PR win more seats in the next general election as those who will really lose power will be UMNO and UMNO-putras.

In fact, the ordinary Malays stand to gain more rights and power when PR win more seats in the next general elections as UMNO and UMNO-putras will have to return and surrender the rights and power that they have seized and hijacked from the ordinary Malays in the past few decades.

This entry was posted on Sunday, 4 December 2011, 1:42 pm and is filed under DAP, MCA, Muhyiddin Yassin, Najib Razak, UMNO. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0.