Thursday, August 4, 2011

It is Ramadan, can we stop politicking?: KJ, don't stoop too low

Furore and chaos on all the media's, tweets flying around, while it is understandable for people like Chua Soi Lek, his apple polishing Wee Ka Siong to take advantage of the situation, it is unthinkable for Khairy Jamaludin to follow suit. After all it is the holy month of Ramadan, it is a month even warring parties take a break and lay down their guns, it is a hugely anticipated month where we would like to maximize good deeds, it is a month even the Satan is chained, so to stoop too low to politicize and indulge in dirty politics and fish in murky waters would be unthinkable for a Muslim.

JAIS (the religious authorities of Selangor), which comes under the wings of the State Exco Dr Hassan Ali paid a visit (well, the spinners called it a raid....whatever) Damansara Utama Methodist Centre, the sole reason was there was a strong believe based on huge tip-off that there were proselytisation (memurtadkan) efforts being made on Muslims(numbered around 12 people) that night. DUMC claimed that it was just a feast for the under-privileged, there are many questions left unanswered.the JAIS team was made to wait for a very long period before they were finally allowed in. Efforts were made to destroy some evidence(Why?). there were some people who were even try to escape via some back-doors. All these arouses more suspicion.

I am .not an extremist, but why is it held in a night in Ramadan? Wouldn't these people would be better off performing terawih prayers? Why is it held in a church? If it is just a feast for the underprivileged, wouldn't it be better off in other proper places? if nothing is wrong, and they have nothing to hide, why were the officers from JAIS held up for long period of time? Why were there efforts to destroy some hard evidence? Why is there a need to bolt off? Fishy eh?......Let investigation take place..if all the suspicion are unwarranted, then DUMC deserves an apology,....what if........?.......ciao........a.h.baharom

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