Friday, June 1, 2012

Another big leak:This time RM20 million in the name of Youth

In a far far away (very far away from the hearts of rakyat) land...known as the Boleh Land, RM20 million was spent (or was it leaked away?) on an event they called, they named, they proclaimed, to champion the aspiration of the youths.What was the out come.....17 injuries, 4 serious case...countless immoral activities. Come again, who was suppose to benefit...the youth of Malaysia....who actually benefited, a handful of event organizers,.the K-Pop group from Korea...etc.

RM20 million was just thrown away, just flushed down the drain, what a pity, if only these monies was spent wisely on productive areas such as education, providing scholarship, or health, providing supports for those who are in need, in elevation of poverty programs,.. building low cost houses for those in dire needs, imagine the multiplier effect,,,,

Lame excuses such as it came from sponsors are not acceptable, you could always use it for good purposes. When alternative groups suggest better alternative methods, you claim that it could lead Malaysia to the edge of bankruptcy, but what you are doing here is much worse, the Malaysian economy is bleeding heavily. with unwarranted leakages,

May God have mercy and help us...

A.H.Baharom ..

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