Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kerajaan tak tahu keutamaan panda dan janda

Abdul Aziz Mustafa, 26 Jun 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan ternyata tidak tahu keutamaan antara panda dan janda, kata Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Mahfuz Omar.

"Kerajaan tidak tahu keutamaan untuk orang muda, sama seperti kerajaan tidak tahu keutamaan antara panda dan janda," kata beliau dalam perbahasan di Dewan Rakyat.

Panda yang disebut oleh Mahfuz itu merujuk kepada dua ekor beruang panda yang disewa oleh Malaysia daripada negara China.

Ketika diminta mengulas lanjut kenyataan itu selepas perbahasan tersebut, Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu berkata, kerajaan ternyata lebih suka mengutamakan perkara-perkara yang membazirkan wang negara.

"(Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri) Najib (Tun Razak) mendakwa, tindakan menyewa panda itu untuk meningkatkan kesedaran kepada kerja-kerja perlindungan.

"Itu untuk panda. Bagaimana pula kesedaran kepada kerja-kerja perlindungan entah berapa ratus ribu janda di negara ini?" katanya.

Apa yang berlaku itu, kata Mahfuz, jelas membuktikan kerajaan langsung tidak tahu keutamaan.

"Kerajaan Najib tak tahu keutamaan dan nampak benar tak tahu keutamaan antara panda dan janda.

"Akhbar The Star melaporkan kerajaan berbelanja sehingga RM20 juta untuk memelihara dan menjaga dua ekor panda itu.

"Berapa kerajaan berbelanja untuk setiap janda yang tidak berkemampuan di negara ini? Untuk dua ekor panda belanja RM20 juta, untuk janda bagi RM500 duit BR1M sahajakah?" katanya.

Mahfuz juga menyifatkan perjanjian penyewaan panda itu ternyata merugikan Malaysia.

"Kalau mati kerajaan Malaysia kena bayar ganti rugi. Kalau panda itu beranak dalam penjagaan Malaysia, anak itu jadi milik syarikat China berkenaan.

"Orang kampung yang pawah kambing atau lembu lebih pandai buat perjanjian dari kerajaan Malaysia," kata Mahfuz.

Mahfuz juga menyifatkan Najib sengaja mereka-reka dakwaan untuk mewajarkan tindakan kerajaan terhadap tindakannya berbelanja begitu besar untuk dua ekor panda itu.

"Najib kata tindakan kerajaannya menyewa panda itu akan menjadi pengalaman pendidikan untuk rakyat Malaysia.

"Adakah orang Alor Setar akan naik bas beratus-ratus kilometer untuk melancong di Kuala Lumpur kerana hendak tengok dua ekor panda itu kononnya untuk menimba pengalaman pendidikan?" beliau terus mempersoalkan.

Sebelum itu, seruan Najib dalam laman Facebook berbahasa Cinanya supaya orang ramai menamkan dua ekor panda itu dibalas oleh rakyat dengan pelbagai persendaan.

Sebahagiannya mengambil peluang memperolokkan Najib dan isterinya Rosmah Manosr dengan menamakan panda itu sebagai "cincin dan beg beg", "Altantuya dan Scorpene" dan "Rara dan Suahsuah".

Seorang pengunjung laman tersebut yang bernama Aun Huang Long menulis: "Lembu pun tak boleh jaga. Najib, u nak panda? Kesian panda tu".

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kazakhstan president’s nephew cheated his way into Columbia University: lawsuit


Last Updated: 5:10 AM, June 11, 2012

Posted: 1:52 AM, June 11, 2012

The grifter who swindled his gloriously connected Kazakh stepfather out of a $20 million Plaza condo also conned his way into Columbia University, court papers charge.

Daniyar Nazarbayev — whose stepdad is the brother of Kazak President Nursultan Nazarbayev — landed at the college using “fraudulent and fabricated” paperwork from a high school he didn’t actually attend, the court papers say.

When applying, Daniyar allegedly claimed he had graduated from a high school in Kazakhstan.

He actually went to high school in Switzerland — and never graduated, sources said.

Christian Johnston
Daniyar Nazarbayev

Even Daniyar’s influential last name isn’t real, the court papers say.

His actual surname is Kesikbayev. His mother, Maira, allegedly had his birth certificate changed after she married Bolat Nazarbayev in 2001.

The marriage was annulled last year.

Daniyar, now 24, graduated from Columbia in 2010. A knowledgeable source said that the allegations were reported to Columbia but that it was unclear whether school officials had taken action.

Daniyar’s name is still in the school’s alumni directory.

A Columbia spokesman refused to comment.

The allegations are part of Bolat’s suit against Maira and her son in Manhattan Supreme Court, where he has accused them of taking advantage of his trust to swipe the Plaza pad and help themselves to two other multimillion-dollar apartments on Wall Street.

Bolat says he has discovered that Maira has had several aliases — and that she’s wanted by Interpol and Kazakh authorities for crimes including kidnapping and extortion.

But Maira, 50, now lives in her son’s condo at The Plaza, a four-bedroom, 4,000-square-foot apartment with 3 1/2 bathrooms. It has been listed as a $68,000-a-month rental.

She was unable to be reached for comment. There was no phone number for the apartment, and The Post was not allowed by Plaza security to knock on her door last week.

Daniyar, meanwhile, is missing.

In court filings, Bolat’s lawyers said they have searched for him in five countries — including Malaysia, where he’s reportedly engaged to the prime minister’s daughter, Nooryana Najwa, whom a source said he met at Columbia.

Bolat had been looking to buy a New York apartment in 2008, and Maira and Daniyar got him to give them power of attorney so they could close the deal without him present.

The suit says Daniyar was supposed to put the apartment in his stepdad’s name but added his mom’s. About eight months later, she sold it to Daniyar for $1, court papers say.


Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/kazakh_columbia_con_job_Rzm2pW72MO90nyHRMCyctL#ixzz1xZh9Sw5g

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

PTPTN freeze for Unisel: It could haunt them back

PTPTN decision to temporarily freeze its study loans to new students in Unisel, an university wholly owned by the Selangor government, is done in bad taste, it is a decision seen by majority of rakyat as an act of revenge, full of vengeance, contains malafide or ill intention, the funny part is they (the powers to be) could well live to regret it, but by that time it would be too late. It doesn't make any economic sense, let alone common sense. If the Selangor government could somehow find funds, to actually subsidize the studies, the stunt of freezing the loans would backfire, rakyat from other states and places would sit up and wonder...the possibilities and realities of free education actually being implemented, and whoever the Tom, Dick or Harry who proposed the freeze better go into hiding....

 Yes, Selangor is a prized asset, yes, Najib sounded the war horn, instructing his cammaderies to re-capture Selangor....  but stooping this low?....Unimaginable low?...Disgusting low?...Yucks!

This would actually increase the sympathisers group, fence sitters would be tempted to join the bandwagon of Pakatan supporters, people would start to take notice that the powers to be are so power crazy that they are willing to try all means to suffocate the Pakatan States, economically that is, while their idea is that the rakyat will be angry with the Pakatan leaders....it is misfiring...in fact it is back firing.

The rakyat are not STUPID, they could evaluate what is right and what is wrong, the money is the Rakyats' money and not the Barisan Nasional's money...we deserve much better than this....

May God help us...and have mercy on us............A.H.Baharom

Friday, June 1, 2012

Another big leak:This time RM20 million in the name of Youth

In a far far away (very far away from the hearts of rakyat) land...known as the Boleh Land, RM20 million was spent (or was it leaked away?) on an event they called, they named, they proclaimed, to champion the aspiration of the youths.What was the out come.....17 injuries, 4 serious case...countless immoral activities. Come again, who was suppose to benefit...the youth of Malaysia....who actually benefited, a handful of event organizers,.the K-Pop group from Korea...etc.

RM20 million was just thrown away, just flushed down the drain, what a pity, if only these monies was spent wisely on productive areas such as education, providing scholarship, or health, providing supports for those who are in need, in elevation of poverty programs,.. building low cost houses for those in dire needs, imagine the multiplier effect,,,,

Lame excuses such as it came from sponsors are not acceptable, you could always use it for good purposes. When alternative groups suggest better alternative methods, you claim that it could lead Malaysia to the edge of bankruptcy, but what you are doing here is much worse, the Malaysian economy is bleeding heavily. with unwarranted leakages,

May God have mercy and help us...

A.H.Baharom ..