Thursday, October 4, 2012

Malaysian Debt: Najib gambling it against future income?

Finance Ministry in its Economic report 2012/13 released last week claimed that the external debt is now standing at 28.8% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while the total debt is now at a staggering and worrying 53.7% of GDP. If thats not worrying enough, Najib's statement today that IF Malaysian GDP grows at a rate of an average 4% per annum, the debt is manageable, is like rubbing salt to a severe wound. Najib and co are gambling Malaysia away based on future income, any imbalance in the world economy would have a telling and inverse effect.

Whats disturbing and worrying is, most of the expenditures in the budget are not channelled to productive areas, neither are they for development purposes. Yes, I do agree that some of the measures would jolt our economy positively  but it would be minimal, and would not be longstanding. No concrete measures are taken to address the leakages, none are long term policies. Most of the measures seems to be rhetoric and populist, especially targetting the intended large group of voters, the civil servant, the security force, youth and etc.

The 2013 budget really looks like its been been prepared by a group of propagandist and not by economist.It seems that the budget, or the people behind the scrren are not that interested in the well being of the rakyat and nation, but more interested in hanging on to power.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mukhriz and KJ: Mavericks with verbal diarhea

Mukhriz and KJ, the former is the son of ex-premier, the latter is the son-in-law of another ex-premier, both of them seems to have a chronic case of verbal diarhea, by the way verbal diarhea means a constant urge to just blurt things out without thinking first. Numerous times they have made the darndest statements.They have never learned (or refused to learn) the fine art of tact and are too boorish and self-involved to learn it.

Let me bring your attention to the latest incident (accident?). We'll start with Mukhriz, he tries to allay the fears of the rakyat on Lynas and Pengerang, he GUARANTEES that there would NEVER be any untowards incidents or accidents from these projects, he further claimed that Union Carbide tragedy in India and Asian Rare Earth tragedy in  Perak, happened decades ago, now we have the technology to prevent it. (Is he trying to play God?), Who are you kidding?....Yeah they said Titanic was unsinkable didn't even get to finish its maiden voyage.........yeah Samy Velu claimed MRR was rock steady....before the cracks start appearing, ....yeah they said the Trengganu Stadium was hitech...before the roof came crashing down....and the list could go on and on.

Now to KJ, KJ (is he really a OxCam graduate?....doesn't act like one) claims that 50% of the youth have jumped ships and supports the government, this is all due to the budget 2013 that were recently tabled.....Are Malaysian youths that gullible?....Where did you get the figures from KJ?...Pluck from the sky? The budget was tabled on Friday, and you did a research on Saturday, and you got your result on Sunday...and you start shooting from your mouth on Monday...Trying to pull a leg?...Get a life KJ..

God, please help us, please forbid these Goons from contesting and winning GE13.